Authors: Alexander Woodward1*, Tsutomu Hashikawa1,2, Masahide Maeda1, Takaaki Kaneko3, Keigo Hikishima4, Atsushi Iriki2, Hideyuki Okano3, Yoko Yamaguchi1*
*corresponding authors: Alexander Woodward (, Yoko Yamaguchi (
The dataset includes NIfTI files of MRI T2 ex-vivo data; reconstructed Nissl stained images of the same brain, registered to the shape of the MRI; brain region segmentation (with separate color lookup table); and gray, mid-cortical and white matter boundary segmentation. In addition, a 3D Slicer scene file is provided that can be used for testing the dataset within the freely downloadable 3D Slicer software ( The scene file can be dragged directly into 3D Slicer and the atlas can be used immediately. Files can be downloaded individually or as one zip file. The atlas can be viewed online via the Zooming Atlas Viewer (ZAV) by clicking here.
Woodward, Alexander; Hashikawa, Tsutomu; Maeda, Masahide; Kaneko, Takaaki; Hikishima, Keigo; Iriki, Atsushi; Okano, Hideyuki; Yamaguchi, Yoko : Brain/MINDS 3D Marmoset Reference Brain Atlas 2017 (DataID: 2799)
The technical details of the data and its generation is available in the following article:
Woodward, Alexander; Hashikawa, Tsutomu; Maeda, Masahide; Kaneko, Takaaki; Hikishima, Keigo; Iriki, Atsushi; Okano, Hideyuki; Yamaguchi, Yoko (2017): The Brain/MINDS 3D digital marmoset brain atlas.
- Perform image registration to Brain/MINDS Atlas using ANTs : Tutorial page.
- 22-4-2020. Updated. Unprocessed MRI T2WI ex-vivo volume with skull was added.
- 22-11-2017. Initial release.