Authors: Akiko Uematsu1, Junichi Hata2, Yuji Komaki3, Fumiko Seki1, Chihoko Yamada3, Norio Okahara3, Yoko Kurotaki3, Erika Sasaki1,2,3, Hideyuki Okano1,2,3*
*corresponding author: Hideyuki Okano (
This page serves the Brain/MINDS age-specific marmoset averaged image dataset for downloading.
The dataset includes gziped NIfTI files (.nii.gz) of MRI T2WI and DTI metrics (FA, MD, RD, and AD) in-vivo data; the ages of the data are 1,3,6,9,12,15,18 months old.
The creation process of these averaged images is referred to the script of FSL software (, fslvm_2_template
, partially modified; the non-linear registration process was replaced to the script of ANTs (,
. The details are described in the text “Dataset Description and Image Processing”.
In addition, age-specific DWI templates (.mif files) are provided, which are created using the script of Mrtrix3 (, population_template
. You may convert .mif file to NIFTI, extracting b-vector and b-value information by conducting the following Mrtrix3’s command: # mrconvert dwi_input.mif dwi_output.nii -export_grad_fsl bvec bval
Files can be downloaded each image type or as one zip file.
Uematsu, Akiko; Hata, Junichi; Komaki, Yuji; Seki, Fumiko; Yamada, Chihoko; Okahara, Norio; Kurotaki, Yoko; Sasaki, Erika; Okano, Hideyuki : Brain/MINDS Age-Specific Marmoset Averaged Image Dataset (DataID: 3236)
Uematsu, A., Hata, J., Komaki, Y., Seki, F., Yamada, C., Okahara, N., Okahara., Kurotaki, Y., Sasaki E. & Okano, H. (2017). Mapping orbitofrontal-limbic maturation in non-human primates: A longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study. NeuroImage 163, 55-67.
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