Terms of Use

Brain/MINDS TissueCyte Tracer Data (Prefrontal Cortex Injections)


Version 1 (Feb. 2020)

Please be advised that we may update these terms from time to time without notice and any changes will be effective immediately.



The Brain Minds TissueCyte Tracer Data (Prefrontal Cortex Injections) is a collaborative work in progress, mainly conducted under the Yamamori-Lab and the Brain-Image-Analysis-Unit at Riken CBS, Japan.



This is a work in progress and we currently only grant a limited access to the data (viewing only). See copyright notice below for details. The restrictions will be lifted and the data will be made publicly available under a creative common license.



If you are interested in working with us, or if you have any comments or questions, then please contact us via: tracerdata@ml.riken.jp



“Brain Minds TissueCyte Tracer Data (Prefrontal Cortex Injections)” includes all

  1. Raw image data: raw files and meta data of marmoset brain tracer images obtained from the TissueCyte microscope (TissueVision, Cambridge, USA).
  2. Raw image data obtained from other microscopes associated with TissueCyte data (For instance Nissl image data)
  3. Raw image data that has been stitched and/or converted into different data formats
  4. Processed data. These are all data derived from the raw and/or stitched and/or converted image data from items (1-3) above including (list may be incomplete):
    1. Tracer segmentation information
    2. Injection site location and cell body annotation
    3. Data registered to the Brain/MINDS standard brain



All data derived from the raw Brain Minds TissueCyte Tracer Data (Prefrontal Cortex Injections), including the raw data itself, belong to the author of the original work, or to any other person who may hold rights to the material in question. The data may not be used (including copied, adapted, uploaded, posted, emailed, distributed, licensed, sold, or published) except when prior written permission has been granted by the authors of the original work. Unauthorize republishing of the data is prohibited. Use or reproduction after altering the content is also prohibited. When using the contents with permission, the required copyright notice must be included. The copyright notice may not be altered or deleted.